Hello there and thank you for stopping by!  This is my first official post on The Caterpillar and the Butterfly so bear with me.  I’m going to get the hang of this, I promise….I have lots to post about…I just need to get settled in and find my groove.  I am looking forward to sharing my thoughts with anyone that wants to pull up a chair and travel with me on my journey.

First, I’d just like to square up with a little housekeeping rules:

  • Feel free to share/comment/like anything that I post.  This should be a place where you feel comfortable to speak your mind and share your experiences.
  • Be respectful!  You may be having a bad day or the person reading your comment could be having a bad day and someone may get offended by an unintentional comment.  I try to keep it all in perspective.  My hope is that this will be a place of positivity and healing.
  • Please share my site if you know of someone that may benefit from some of my experiences.
  • Finally, since I’m relatively new at this, please feel free to provide suggestions.  I can handle constructive feedback!

I hope during our time together as both the reader and the blogger we can find a sense of unity to where we realize we are not alone in what we experience in this crazy thing called life!
